With an 8 month old now cruising around our floors, our former tv stand that was no more than open shelves weren't going to cut it. I found the original dresser on craigslist listed for the incredible price of FREE! With paint and the new handles, I spent $12 for this new tv stand!
- The first thing I had to do was fit a shelf on the inside of the top drawer. I made both the sides and floor of the shelf flush with the outer walls of the drawer space and mounted them with brackets. I also cut out a hole in the back panel with a jigsaw for the wires.
- Next came painting. I took off the old drawer handles and put on 3 layers of the black spray paint. (I didn't spray paint the back to save on the paint cost) I had some leftover blue paint from my baby's changing table and did the inside of the shelving and the side of the drawers (not pictured) for an accent!
- Finally replace the drawer handles, add carpet pads to the posts so it won't scratch the hardwood and it was done! The entire project took 5 hours, most went into planning the shelving piece sizes and letting the paint dry.